Spencer Keeton Cunningham
This current exhibit "American Indian Genocide" is a look into Cunningham's history as an artist and the history of the US in regards to Native American Culture. It is also a refection of his time spent at Standing Rock from November of 2016 - March 2017. These paintings were made at an artist residency in Saint Helena soon after returning from Standing Rock. Cunningham has always been engrained in the Native Community with his art. He is 1/4th Colville from the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. He co-founded the Indigenous Arts Coalition in San Francisco with other bay area First Nation artists. This current body of work is defined by contemporary ideas of indigenous identity, activism, art historical references, social change, and Cunningham's connection to the art world and the gallery/museum systems that control how art is distributed and viewed by the public eye.

Spencer Keeton Cunningham at his poolside St. Helena artist residency studio.